The first part of this hike is a reverse of a classic that takes you along the Eiger Trail. There seemed to be more people starting up at Eiger Gletscher and hiking down to Alpiglen, but going up is a decently challenging hike and I prefer going up versus down here. I had planned to stop at Eigergletscher and take the cable car down, but I was feeling good and the weather was still nice so I hiked all the way down to Grindelwald.
Startpoint: Alpiglen on the Wengeralpbahn (via Grindelwald Terminal)
Endpoint: Grindelwald Terminal (or stop early and take the Eiger Express from Eigergletscher)
Details: Approx 19.85 km, + 800 m / – 1450 m elevation difference
Time: Around 5 hours
Date hiked: 20 June 2022. Season is around mid-June to October
Map: Schweizmobil Eiger/Alpiglen route
Other: details
Alpiglen to EigerGletscher, along the eiger trail

My startpoint was the Alpiglen train station, a few stops on the cog wheel train Wengeralpbahn from Grindelwald Terminal. From here, follow the signs indicating the Eiger Trail to Eigergletscher.

The trail is clearly marked and is a little steep at some points, but nothing too difficult.

Eigergletscher to kleine Scheidegg
Once at Eigergletscher, I walked around the immediate area for a bit (behind the station you have views of the Mönch and Jungfrau, and also Kleine Scheidegg. From here you have several different options for hikes to different places with public transportation to take you further (Wengen, Kleine Scheidegg, etc.), as well as the Jungfrau Eiger Walk which gives you views of surprise surprise, the Jungfrau and Eiger. I took the path to Kleine Scheidegg first.

Kleine Scheidegg to Grindelwald
Once at Kleine Scheidegg I decided to just walk down all the way to Grindelwald since my timing didn’t work to catch the train from Alpiglen back. This route is not difficult and also gives you what I think is one of the best views of Grindelwald and Wetterhorn.

At Grindelwald Terminal, I took the train back to Interlaken and Bern.